It takes two to tango. Our successful presenting of you to a prospective employer is directly related to the quality, accuracy and mindfulness of the information you provided us with. Invest your time to assist us in securing employment.
You’ve definitely read somewhere that emigrating is one of the most stressful things you’ll ever do. And I can tell you from personal experience that it certainly is. KoruTalent offers a no-obligation, no-fee assistance service to all migrants we’ve placed to assist them in settling into their new lives.
We will recommend licensed immigration advisers we have personal relationships with, to assist with the (seemingly overwhelming) administrative load, and point you in the right direction about how to navigate finding accommodation.
From guidance about opening a bank account, getting a driver’s license, or advice on enrolling your children in school or where to shop for appliances to pastoral care, we promise to do our best to help or guide you wherever we can. Easy or painless it’ll never be, but we’ll help you make it as smooth as possible.
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