Have you ever seen the sign “Caution! This machine has no brain. Use your own.”? Well, we need you to change that. Because humans… erm... you know.
- Operate at the leading edge of industrial automation solutions
- Incorporate safety requirements into design, development, and testing
Our employment partner knows that people are a business’s greatest asset and ensuring their safety while operating and maintaining plant and machinery is imperative.
A Certified Machine Safety Expert (CMSE®) like you, brings experience and a systematic process to help ensure that equipment is safe and compliant. We are looking for a safety engineer that can progress the safety process from the beginning all the way through to on-site commissioning and verification.
In conjunction with local machine safety standards like AS4024, or international ISO and IEC standards, you will enable the provision of all the documentation to leave businesses and employees protected from accidents and litigation.
Bring your R2-D2 resourcefulness and Sherlock Holmes thoroughness to save the day. Every day.
Click below to apply.