hello world!
Published: May 11, 2023

From the moms at KoruTalent

The hills are alive with the sound of mischief.

They say – and if I say “they”, I mean moms, you know, those beings with eyes at the back of their heads – when there is a silence where there’s usually a rambunctiousness, you KNOW trouble is afoot. You might as well put down the novel you just picked up, get up, and go put a stop to the stupidity. Before someone ends up without eyebrows. Again.

Moms. Apart from their uncanny sixth sense to suss out suspiciousness, they also possess the superpowers of providing sustenance, a soothing bit-of-spit and a band-aid, and finding a lost shoe moments before the school bus leaves. Often simultaneously.

Moms. They not only give life, but they also spend most of their day keeping small human squatters alive.

This Mother’s Day we’re celebrating the moms of KoruTalent. The Von Trapps have nothing on us. We are mothers to thirteen children between the four of us (we’re not counting the occasional sleepover friends, cousins, tiny neighbourhood gang members, or in-laws). That is an average of three and a quarter per woman. Great news for the economists concerned with a declining population and tax base, for one thing. There are 8½ and counting grandchildren too.

I’ve asked my colleagues for their input on this piece. Originally, I asked for an anecdotal tale of something a child did when they were young that requires some payback. Instead, I received this:

I truly believe there is a reason why parents need to put kids to bed early: so that our love buckets fill up again when we see them sleep. At birth, you wish they can grow a little bit faster to interact a little more, talk more and use fewer nappies. We keep the camera nearby to capture each expression. Then one morning, you wake up and wish they were little again, so you can dress them, make their hair, interact less, talk less, and smile at the camera. Then you know: nappies were the easy part.

As they become their own little person entering the big world, you realise you are now "that mother", no more cuddles at the school gate, more seats and less boot space, extra budget for washing powder, and that winning feeling of accomplishment when you find a matching pair of socks when folding the washing.

As I try to make the best of my kids' upbringing, I reflect on my mother, how she would have felt, how many times her heart beat outside her body, how many times she held her breath… and then smile, knowing I am grateful for the blessing of being a mum.

Your request for a story about what my kids owed me made me smile! I really owe my lovely children so much. I have learned more lessons from them and my grandchildren than I could ever say!

I have four children: a brilliant, kind, beautiful, and accomplished daughter, a strong and clever eldest son, an organised and entrepreneurial 'laatlammetjie' son, and a darling son who died when he was 28 - always in my heart.

I have three children, two sons and a daughter, aged 24, 21, and 14 years old – a qualified nurse, a final year politics academic, and a happy-chappy-no-idea-yet youngest son. They all have distinct characteristics but share a common trait: a deep empathy and care for people.

Having raised 2 teenagers and another dipping his toes into that phase of savagery, I can tell you “Choose your battles wisely” is probably the best advice I have!

As a mom, I’ve come to realise that your children are just as much teaching life lessons to you as you are to them.

What I love most about being a mom? Of course, the cuddles in bed, the hugs and kisses, the many, many silly moments and laughs. But mostly, the proud feeling of being their mom!

Well, there’s that.

I am a mother of 4. I don’t share DNA with all of them, but share something a lot stronger, thicker, stickier, and everlasting than blood: LOVE. The undying kind. In capital letters.

I was ready to make a list of idiotic things my kids have done for which I am ready to receive some compensation. Truth is, though, it doesn’t matter.

I’d also like to thank my mom. I’ve been rolling my eyes (behind her back, of course, I am not that irresponsible or brave!) at her for the best part of 50 years. Yet, I have always, always deeply felt her unconditional love and support. She is one of the kindest, most generous people I know. She’s that lady who anonymously puts money away for other people and then slips it into a handbag or an envelope. I have lost count of how many times, and that is just the times that I know of. She is always acutely aware of the goings-on around her. I’ve learned most of the soft skills in business that have helped make my endeavours successful from her. No doubt about that.

I love you, Mom.

To all the moms – biological, adopted, inherited, and single dads being moms: I tip my hat. Thank you. Enjoy Mother’s Day.


  • PS – We’ve posted an invitation on our LinkedIn Page where one lucky client, partner, candidate, or anyone following us can win a voucher to spoil their mom (or the mother of their children). Check out the link here.

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